Are you an aspiring mandolin player? If so, one of the questions you may have about these stringed-instruments is, do mandolins come in different sizes? If that is the case, then you are in the perfect place. This article will be answering some of your questions about the mandolin. On top of discussing each variation of mandolin’s size, we will also be discussing the most straightforward style or size of mandolin that you might wish to start with. Also, which version would be easiest on your pocket, and what genre of music each kind of mandolin is suitable for.

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Do mandolins come in different sizes?
Mandolins come in different sizes depending on their type and body structure. The sizes are measured using the scale length of the instrument. The scale length is the distance between the nut and the bridge of a mandolin. Different types of mandolins come in different sizes, so you can differentiate between the types using their scale lengths. The average scale length of a standard mandolin is 14 inches. Most mandolins have a scale length that varies from 13 inches and 16 inches.
The following are the scale lengths of the other members of the mandolin family;
- The mandola- a standard scale length of 16 inches to 17 inches and can go up to 20 inches.
- The octave mandolin- a standard scale length of 19 inches to 22 inches.
- The Bouzouki- a standard scale length of 19 inches to 27 inches.
- The Mandocello- This is arguably the biggest instrument in the mandolin family, with an average scale length of 24 inches to 26 inches.
Different Types of Mandolin
Just like other musical instruments, mandolins come in a variety of styles. Each of these styles originates from the late middle ages. Today, the most commonly used types of mandolins are the A style and F style mandolins. Even so, there is a chance that you may run into the antique bowl-back/Neapolitan mandolin every once in a while. The Neapolitan mandolin also goes by other names like tater bug, watermelon, and the blowback.
A-style Mandolins
These mandolins are shaped like the letter A, which is where it gets its name. People may say that they are pear-shaped or tear-shaped, and they would be right. They have a sleek and streamlined body, which makes their profile very similar to that of a guitar. Their shape makes them easy to hold against the body, which is perfect for an inexperienced player.
These A-style mandolins have been around since the instruments were invented. However, the design has been altered several times since then. The current A style was redesigned by Gibson after the 1892 Paris World Fair when the popularity of the instrument was at its peak. The A-style mandolins are mostly used for folk music.
F-Style Mandolins
Compared to the A-style mandolins, the F-style mandolins have a more complex design. They are inspired by the Florentine style, which also explains their name. Unlike the A-style, this type was not around from the very beginning. It was designed in the early 1900s by Gibson as a top-tier stringed instrument. Gibson incorporated the traditional make of a mandolin and its sound while also giving it a flat back and scrollwork.
The F-style mandolins have two f-holes, which contribute to the overall sound of the instrument. The sound produced by the F-style mandolin is favoured mostly by bluegrass and roots professional players. The easiest way to play the instrument is by placing it on your thigh while seated so that it can stay put without too much effort.
Neapolitan Mandolins
Also known as the bowl-back mandolin, you can easily tell it apart by its round back that sits like a bowl. It is what the traditional mandolin looked like, and most films depict the mandolin using this style- it is the stereotype look of a mandolin. Modern types of mandolin evolved from the Neapolitan. This type is known for its deep tones and resonance, but they become rarer and rarer as days go by.
Octave Mandolins
The octave mandolin is basically a large mandolin. The octave still has four sets of courses and can be tuned to the same tuning but an octave lower. The size of the octave mandolin can vary widely. The standard size tends to be around 21” (53cm). I have seen octave mandolins go from 19”( 48cm) to 25”(63cm). They are structurally the same as the mandolin and can come in F-style and A-style. As you can imagine, with the longer fret scale, the mandolin finger pattern tends to be rather stretched (one finger to two frets). Using a guitar finger pattern (one finger to one fret) is more preferable and will allow you to play more comfortably.

The mandola is the ancestor of the mandolin and is a bit harder to come across. The scale length is roughly around 16.5” (42cm) and has four sets of courses tuned C-C-G-G-D-D-A-A. The mandola sits in between the octave mandolin and the regular mandolin. The chord shapes used on the mandolin can still be used on the mandola, but they will be transposed to different chords. For example, the chord shape you would play to get a G chord on a mandolin becomes a C chord on a mandola. This can take some getting used to but is achievable once you get your head around it.

The bouzouki is very similar to the octave mandolin, and many instrument shops will describe any instrument built in this style and over 58cm as a bouzouki (23”). The bouzouki is tuned an octave below the mandolin, just like the octave mandolin. The only difference being the bottom two strings tend to be tuned an octave apart like that of a 12-string guitar. The tuning for the bouzouki is G-D-A-E, and like the octave mandolin, the finger pattern for the bouzouki due to the length of the neck is more like a guitar than that of a mandolin (1 finger per fret).

The mandocello is roughly on average around 25” (63cm) and is tuned one whole octave below the mandola. It has four sets of courses tuned to C-G-D-A. The mandocello is to the mandola what the octave mandolin is to the mandolin. In the USA, the octave mandolin is sometimes called the mandola and this does tend to cause some confusion. Just like the other larger fretboards, the standard mandolin finger pattern does become a struggle and the guitar style finger pattern tends to be adopted on the mandocello.

Are Different Types of Mandolins Associated with Different Types of Music?
Different types of mandolins are built with varying styles of construction, each of which has a distinctive tone. As a result, each mandolin is best suited for a particular genre of music. For instance, a mandolin that is perfect for classical music may not do so well in bluegrass music.
The f-style mandolin that Gibson designed in the 1900s has a carved top and back and powerful f-shaped sound holes that produce a most distinct sound. As a result, the f-style is very popular with bluegrass musicians. These mandolins have a comparatively longer scale length with more frets to the body. With a structure such as this, they produce a punchier sound and allow for more up-the-neck playability.
Mandolins with a carved top and back that have an oval sound-hole produce a relatively sweet, mellow sound. This is in comparison with a mandolin that has an f-shaped sound-hole. The oval sound-hole mandolins are a favourite of jazz players and traditional musicians.
The bowl-back mandolin has been used for centuries to play classical music and folk songs. It has a delicate sound that makes it very suitable for soft music. Even though it is becoming increasingly extinct in America, the instrument is still very much in use in European countries.
Flat-back mandolin was designed and introduced to the music world in the earliest years of the 20th century. These mandolins have a round or oval sound-hole and produce a sound very similar to that of an acoustic guitar. The flat-back mandolin is perfect for British, Irish, and Brazilian folk music. It also does pretty well with jazz, country, and classical music.
Celtic and old-time musicians are big fans of A-style mandolins with oval sound holes. This type of mandolin is perfect because Celtic music does not demand strong rhythmic support. Also, the players complement the sound with other instruments like the guitar.
When you want a low and mellow tone, it would be advisable to go the mandola way. Mandolas are bigger than mandolins, with an average scale length of 16 inches. They are tuned like a violin, which is a fifth lower of the mandolin, hence the deeper tone.
Which Mandolin Type Is the Easiest to Learn?
If you are a beginner, you do not want to begin your experience with a complex mandolin. Essentially, the mandolin is an easy instrument to learn compared to other stringed instruments like the guitar and the violin. Also, they are easy to carry around because of their small size and lightweight.
Still, within the mandolin family, there are those that are easier to learn than others. You want to start with an instrument that will encourage you to keep going because of how simple it is. Therefore, the A style should be your go-to mandolin as a beginner. For one, they have a simple design that will not confuse you. Also, they have a sleek and flat back, which makes the instrument very easy to hold. Therefore, you can play it anywhere – standing or seated- unlike the F style that is best played in a seated position.
There is a wide variety of A-style mandolins in the market today. Choose one that best suits your needs- for instance, if you are a small-bodied person, go for a small-sized A-style mandolin.
Which Mandolin Type Is the Most Expensive?
Both the A-style and F-style mandolins have flat backs, which makes their production costs lower than those of a bowl-back mandolin. What this means is that the Neapolitan is the most expensive mandolin.
Between the A style and the F style, however, the F style is costlier. The Florentine mandolin has a fancier, more complex design work compared to the A style. They have a scroll and point in their body. The dazzling looks of the f-style add a certain flair to the playing experience.
Even though the two types of mandolins have an almost similar sound, many professional players prefer the costlier F-style mandolin.
Which Mandolin Type Is the Cheapest?
If you are a beginner, you do not want to spend a lot of money on your first mandolin. You are most likely to go for an affordable mandolin, which also offers decent quality. Up to this point, we can agree that the A style is the perfect mandolin type for beginners. Not only are they extremely simple to learn, but they are also very affordable.
For instance, if your budget is $300, you can easily get an A-style mandolin of good quality. There are many budget mandolins available in each style that are perfect for the beginner player.
It is important to note that your first mandolin will go a long way in shaping your journey as a player. Therefore, in as much as you would not want to break the bank for it, be careful not to compromise the quality.